Swarm Urbanism

The project is a research into the possibilities of creating cities by simulating the site conditions (Site Pixels) and the users (Characters) in a behavioural engine (Virtools) based on swarm behaviour. The design is fine tuned using tools like Rhino+ Script +Grasshopper.

Primary Level
The site is represented in the behavioural engine through a combination of nos. The variation in the data can also incorporate future proposals for architecture. The primary simulation leads the Characters to find their ideal location on site, leading to a 3D aggregation of particles.Programmatic volumes from the requirements are added to the aggregation, from a linked excel file.

Secondary Level
The secondary agents are programmed to find possible connections and shortest routes among the aggregating particles.

Tertiary Level
Architectural and Structural considerations were included in the programming of the tertiary agent. Two opposing agents spinning around the secondary agent crosses each other at specific points to create a diagrid structure. The variation in this diagrid leads to the articulation of the building.